

MINUTES of a meeting of the Cabinet held on 20 April 2021 at Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes




Councillors Keith Glazier (Chair)


Councillors Nick Bennett (Vice Chair), Bill Bentley, Claire Dowling, Carl Maynard, Rupert Simmons, Bob Standley and Sylvia Tidy


                                    Members spoke on the items indicated


Councillor Barnes                       - item 5 (minute 48)

Councillor Beaver                      - items 5 and 6 (minutes 48 and 49)

Councillor Bennett                      - item 6 (minute 49)

Councillor Godfrey Daniel         - item 5 (minute 48)

Councillor Philip Daniel              - items 5 and 6 (minutes 48 and 49)

Councillor Standley                   - item 5 (minute 48)

Councillor Swansborough         - items 5 and 6 (minutes 48 and 49)

Councillor Tidy                           - item 5 (minute 48)

Councillor Tutt                            - item 5 (minute 48)

Councillor Ungar                        - item 5 (minute 48)



47           Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2021


47.1     The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 2 March 2021 were agreed as a correct record.




48           Coronavirus Update


48.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Executive.


48.2     It was RESOLVED to note the report.




48.3     The report provided an update on the measures the Council has taken in response to the coronavirus pandemic.




49           External Audit Plan 2020/21


49.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.


49.2     It was RESOLVED to approve the External Audit Plan for 2020/21.




49.3     The External Audit Plan provides an overview of the planned scope and timing of the Council’s 2020/21 accounts and identifies any significant risks.




50           Internal Audit Strategy and Plan 2021/22


50.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.


50.2     It was RESOLVED to agree the Council’s Internal Audit Strategy and Plan 2021/22.




50.3     The Internal Audit Strategy and Plan sets out how the Council will meet its statutory requirements for internal audit.




51           Annual Audit Letter 2019/20


51.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.


51.2     It was RESOLVED to note the Annual Audit Letter and the fee update for 2019/20.




51.3     The Annual Audit Letter summarises the key findings from the external audit of the 2019/20 Statement of Accounts for the Council and the East Sussex Pension Fund, together with the 2019/20 Value for Money conclusion and recommendations to management.




52           Items to be reported to the County Council


52.1     It was agreed that item 5 should be reported to the County Council.

[Note: The item being reported to the County Council refers to minute number 48].

